We have just got back from our first kite event of 2020! Perseids 2020 the 2nd Westmorland Meet & Fly Event held on the Westmorland County Showground, Cumbria. The event was on for the whole week from the 8th to the 16thAugust, however we just went up for the final weekend. We had a great time with a great friendly and welcoming bunch of kite flyers. The organisers described the event as the first UK if not the World’s first ‘Drive-in Kite festival’. The kite flyers flew their kites in one field and in the adjacent field the organisers had marked out individual car spaces to socially distance the general public who had come to enjoy the kites.

The weather was good on Saturday with hardly a cloud in the sky but unfortunately we had little wind so there were a lot of kite flyers running around trying to get some kites in the sky. By lunch time the wind had picked up a bit and we could start to put on a reasonable display although it was a bit frustrating, as occasionally the wind would just die on us. On the Saturday evening the organisers had put on some live entertainment with Fiona – Music of the Lakes, she was excellent and had an amazing repertoire.
The forecast for the Sunday didn’t look good as although it promised better wind it also forecast rain. Thankfully the forecasters didn’t get it quite it right. We had overcast skies with a better wind, which freshened as the day went on and apart from a slight shower around midday the heavy rain held off until that night.
Many thanks to Craig Harby of Smilefactor 10, Peter and Jim of the Northern Kite Group for organising this event at short notice and all the fliers that attended for a very enjoyable event. There are more pictures of the event in our website gallery https://www.eastangliankiteflyers.org.uk/gallery.shtml